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What is deeplinking and why is it important?



Deeplinking can be helpful when you want to improve the user flow to "skip" the usual offer landing page/funnel and go straight to checkout. I have used it with app instals on Facebook traffic and it worked well. In certain campaigns, you may not want to use a normal link and landing page but instead, simply go directly to the checkout page (which is a lander itself anyway).

Most marketers usually do a lander then link to the offer page which is just another lander. When a user already is qualified or presold than you can just send them right to the checkout page.

You can skip the log in process and multiple pages when linking between 2 apps faster than if you don't use a deeplink. It really speeds up the process of trying to get your user to become a customer or see your content without signing in to a platform or app by not losing them along the way.

It works really well with busy or impatient users. You can get them to the content without any barriers to slow them down.

Does anyone else see better conversions using deeplinking?

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