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The Netflix Effect and Affiliate Marketing



So recently Netflix launched the queen's gambit and it disrupted many things related to Chess as the show glorifies the game of Chess in it. Not only that, Google Trends also verify that search terms for chess related keywords increased after the release. Sounds like a great idea to keep an eye on upcoming video content (movies, seasons etc), find products/offers related to it and do the Affiliate Marketing thing with it.

Curious if someone in the community is doing it already or has considered planning a strategy after this Netflix Effect.


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One of the best series I've watched and I love chess. I have played thousands of games on chess.com and apparently since the series started that site has also seen massive increase in subscribers.

Once I got lucky and bought a domain name of a game Ellen mentioned on her talk show and made thousands in a few days just by having the exact .com.

So yes, focussing on trends are a great way to make a quick buck at least in my experience.
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The Netflix Effect is a term coined by the company to describe how streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime have changed the way people consume media. The original idea behind this was that consumers were spending more time watching TV shows or movies on their TVs instead of going out to see them in theaters.

This would lead to less movie theater attendance which would result in fewer box office receipts for Hollywood studios. However, since these companies started offering subscriptions at such low prices it has become much cheaper for people to watch content online and they are doing so with greater frequency than ever before.

The Netflix Effect is a term used to describe the phenomenon of people using their home internet connection to stream movies and television shows from Netflix. The idea that you can watch a movie or show on your laptop, tablet or smartphone while you are at work, school or even traveling is very appealing to many users. This has lead to an explosion in popularity for streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.

Netflix was one of the first companies that recognized this trend and developed its own streaming service. They have since been joined by Amazon Prime Video, HBO Now, Hulu Plus and others as they all compete for market share against traditional cable companies who still charge.

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