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Testing a CPA Offer



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1. Is there a rule of thumb on how much to spend on a CPA offer on Microsoft Ads without a conversion before pausing it and moving on to another offer?
2. How much spend or clicks without a conversion until you change the landing page image or video?
3. Would you suggest changing the landing page image/video or the headline first to test another if you have gotten no conversions?


Premium Member
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1.So my personal rule of thumb when testing out offers is let the campaign run "all day", and for at least 14 days before "consider" calling it a looser. After the 14 days make slight adjustments or (its up to you) just move on. Each niche, offer has higher and/or lower cost per click than others so keep this in mind when setting a daily budget
2. Out of all the metrics earnings per click is the most important to keep an eye on. If the epc for an offer was $0.60 and you send 1000 clicks to it the payout is $600 and so on. I like to send 1000 clicks to the "offer page" and if the epc is above $0.30 their is potential or room for growth.
3. As for landing pages goes aim for 20% click through rate the higher the better. If it's below 20% make sure to split test. You could split test different headlines, images, no images, videos no videos just text, if you're using Wordpress there is a plugin to show the visitors city or region to make the page slightly more personal to them. Good luck.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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1. Is there a rule of thumb on how much to spend on a CPA offer on Microsoft Ads without a conversion before pausing it and moving on to another offer?
2. How much spend or clicks without a conversion until you change the landing page image or video?
3. Would you suggest changing the landing page image/video or the headline first to test another if you have gotten no conversions?
1. There is no rule of thumb. There are many factors at play including KWs, landing pages, ads, not only the offer. You can send 1000 clicks to an offer but if the intent of that user is not to convert it's not the offer's fault... it's your targeting, ads, or landing pages. this is assuming the offer has a proven track record to convert.

2. Spend typically is irrelevant. for example, in some niches, the cost per click can be $500 a click. (Believe it or not) For landing page optimization yes it usually comes down to how many clicks you give it....the first optimizations are typically your LP CTR. There is no set rule but I would recommend at least 100 clicks to each A/B landing page before even considering changes... One will inevitably win every time whether it be through CTR or CR.

3. Make sure KW intent, ads, lander and offer all have similar messaging. As for what to test on the landing pages, yes images, headlines, calls to action are very important...

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