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Need Facebook Ad Accounts?



Need Facebook Ad Accounts?

Do you need more Facebook ad accounts because Facebook wrongfully banned your account or just need to scale your campaign or have multiple campaigns you like to run?

In this article we will teach you how to remotely administrator other people's Facebook Ad Accounts. You can get Facebook Ad Accounts off family or friends without needing access to their accounts! If you don't have any family or friends what I simply do is post on Craigslist telling people I will buy their Facebook ad accounts for $50.00 you would not believe the interest and replies I receive, it's really overwhelming.
  1. Setup a new Facebook account on your PC or using a proxy or virtual private server
  2. Add friends and and put some activity on the account for 2-3 days, do regular things a Facebook user would. (Like Pages, play games, join groups, add profile pictures, etc)
  3. Have your facebook client login through this URL -> http://facebook.com/ads/manage/settings.php
  4. They will be taken to a screen as shown below

5. Have your client scroll down to Ad Account Roles & click "Add User".


6. Enter the e-mail address you used to create your original Facebook account with. (If this doesn't work you may need them to add this user as a friend to their account before proceeding any further).


7. After they enter your e-mail make sure they select "Ad Account Advertiser" so you have full access to managing ads. After they click submit you should receive a notification on your account.

8. The process doesn't end here though, you still need to enter the credit card information. To add a payment have your client go to billing from the Account settings screen.


9. They will arrive at a screen that looks like this.


10. From here you should have them select the payment method you wish to use. In this example we will use credit card as it's the most common source of payment for Facebook Ads.


11. Enter your information make sure when you enter zip code that it is their zip code that you are using and not yours as this could trigger some issues with Facebook Verification. Once completed click submit.


TIP: If you are not comfortable with giving them your credit card information what I do is use a tool called teamviewer were i can connect to their mobile device or computer and do all the leg work myself. You can download the app from http://teamviewer.com

This concludes this tutorial, hope you enjoyed it!


Hi guys, Please, help me. Don't know what to do. I have some issues. 1) I had around 3 ad accounts which were banned on FB. I've created one by the scheme you've described above, now they are asking about debit card ownership, I've been waiting for 2 days since the ticket was submitted. Is FB ok if the debit card's name is different from the name of FB ad account owner? 2) I've started creating one more account for another product, but I've been holden back by phone number verification, I've bought prepaid sim card and submitted it to this new account, after getting code from them I entered it, I click "Confirm" button and then nothing happens. I've tried that under 2 browsers with the same IP proxy and from another computer with the same IP proxy as well - the result is the same, nothing happens when I click "Confirm" button, the screenshot - http://prntscr.com/fvnx3l P.S. Email address was verified as well. :(

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