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Leadimpact closes it's doors!



Leadimpact shuts down on March 29th, 2017!

After many years in the industry, Leadimpact has decided to shut down as of today. Leadimpact was one of the major companies that sold PPV traffic and just a powerhouse in the internet marketing industry.

If your currently using leadimpact, don't worry they are refunding customer's deposits and there are plenty of other companies out there that sell the same type of traffic.

Official Statement from Leadimpact:

Dear Advertiser:

We are writing to let you know that as of March 29, 2017, Lead Impact will be terminating operations.

Over the past 2-3 years, our parent company has undergone a business transformation designed to align with key industry trends and evolving advertiser and publisher needs. In support of this, we have made the strategic decision to shift our focus away from contextual advertising to better align our product set and focus our operations.

What does this mean for you?

As of March 29, all advertisements within our system will effectively be paused and transactions will no longer be processed.
Our web portal, www.leadimpact.com will also be shut down as of March 29, 2017.
Any pre-paid balances will be returned to you and processed by April 30, 2017.
Should you have any further reporting needs, we will be happy to process them upon request for up to thirty days.

We value our longstanding partnership and intend to make this transition as convenient and non-disruptive as possible. We have appreciated working together wish you all success as you seek to grow and scale your businesses.

Lead Impact Advertiser Help
[email protected]

There are various rumors circulating but no one really knows. One of them is that people were running scammy tech support pay per call offers and the FTC was all over them. Apparently Leadimpact do a very poor job at managing compliance and had to shut it down. Other rumors include, they couldn't keep up to the pace of the industry, needed a full re-design and business plan, and the money to invest into this just wasn't worth it.

Let us know your thoughts on this situation and what other companies you currently use in the PPV industry.

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