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Is it ethical to put a pop-up on other people's web page?



I have been aware that there is a special money-making method. The marketers who use that method take advantage of other websites' viral articles and put their own money-making pop-ups on those viral articles.

The marketers firstly find a viral article, for example, "10 puppies whose cuteness you can't resist" on BuzzFeed.com, and then they put that BuzzFeed article in an iframe on their own web page, for exmple:
And they give their visitors the link of that web page of theirs. Visitors who visit that web page can see everything of BuzzFeed.com as if they are really on BuzzFeed.com, and then the marketers' pop-up shows up. After visitors purchased the offer advertised in the pop-up, the marketers make money.

Usually, most visitors are unable to tell if the pop-up is created by BuzzFeed.com or not. And if visitors visit http://www.dailytrendingnews.com/, they see a blank page.

This method can really make lots of money. And it does not harm or scam visitors after all. What it does is just taking advantage of other websites' viral articles and possibly make the visitors be under the impression that the pop-up is created by those websites (which is not).

What your opinions about such a method? Would you use it?


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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This method has many problems but my first initial concern is why not just make viral stories on your own viral site and "give people the link". What's the purpose of iframing?

Aside from maybe a litle buzzfeed branding that might add a tad of credibility you're not going to get any added value in reality, and you aren't really helping yourself build your own viral brand.

Second - most traffic sources don't allow you to send to a page that contains only an iframe. So you will be stuck trying to manually get people to visit your page which will be tedious.

To scale you need people to share this and think it is real. Most internet users are getting more savvy and when see your domain but a buzzfeed article they will be like wtf.

I like the idea of pop ups and pop unders and I use them on my own sites. The method you are describing would be just as effective if not more effective if you just used your own site without an iframe.

For content you could curate, but to be a real winner you would create a following on FB with your own viral page that promotes your own viral stories. I know its a lot more work....

But moral of the story - iframing wont be of any benefit in my opinion. Id be interested to know why the method suggests iframe.


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I should add that this method sounds very close to a similar method which has made a lot of people rich the last couple years... Native Arbitrage...if you check out the brief course on this site you will know what I mean. The pop under method could work well with native arbitrage and would be a new spin to it.


joeybabbs Perhaps the reason of using other websites' existing viral articles is that it takes a lot of time to build up a popular website. And the purpose of iframing is for showing the pop-up (we can't inject our pop-ups on other people' websites). I forgot to say that the method requires building a Facebook fan page in order to get traffic easier.

iwantmoney Thanks. I will check the Native Arbitrage.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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If I was going to put in time to build a Facebook following I would have my own branded domain...then I would take the extra time and build out my own articles...or even just curate them...this wouldn't take that much more time if you use Wordpress. Then you have full control to add your own opt in forms as well as Adsense on the page itself for additional revenue plus the pop-ups.

Jason Streby

It really comes down to what your end-goal is... if you're just looking to make a quick few bucks then this would work but it isn't a long lasting strategy, you will be constantly building and rebuilding the same thing over and over again. This method is kind of gray-hat which is fine, but like Joey said, it does nothing for you in the end except maybe give you a few hundred to a few thousand per successful campaign.

If you do want to proceed with either this idea of iframing things, or building your own viral pages then this tool might be of some service to you. There are other's like it but I recently came across this and it seems pretty helpful. I have no personal experience with it yet, but if anyone decides to use it, feel free to let the rest of us know your opinion on it.



If I was going to put in time to build a Facebook following I would have my own branded domain...then I would take the extra time and build out my own articles...or even just curate them...this wouldn't take that much more time if you use Wordpress. Then you have full control to add your own opt in forms as well as Adsense on the page itself for additional revenue plus the pop-ups.

Thanks. That makes sense. My main concern about the said method is that it is essentially hijacking others' web pages and tricking visitors into believing the pop-ups are created by the owners of the hijacked web pages. Therefore I think it is a bit unethical and I personally can't use it comfortably.


It really comes down to what your end-goal is... if you're just looking to make a quick few bucks then this would work but it isn't a long lasting strategy, you will be constantly building and rebuilding the same thing over and over again. This method is kind of gray-hat which is fine, but like Joey said, it does nothing for you in the end except maybe give you a few hundred to a few thousand per successful campaign.

If you do want to proceed with either this idea of iframing things, or building your own viral pages then this tool might be of some service to you. There are other's like it but I recently came across this and it seems pretty helpful. I have no personal experience with it yet, but if anyone decides to use it, feel free to let the rest of us know your opinion on it.


Good Tool. Thanks! It can make finding viral contents for posting on Facebook pages a lot easier.

Jason Streby

There are other tools out there, some have decent free options but you will find that the premium tools (ones you pay for) will always give you far better results. It's all a matter of what you'd like to do with them and how heavily you'll be relying and using them.

I personally would use these viral finder tools to help with stuff like facebook/twitter/instagram & etc posting and advertising. You could even use really viral images (provided they abide by terms of service for the various platforms) inside your ads with a snappy bit of ad text and try to get a viral effect on your ads so you'll be paying for some clicks while getting a bunch more clicks for free!

It will take testing as all advertising does, but once you hit a winner it will almost always makeup for the 'non-winners' and each success stacks up.

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