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How to Profit With Better Push Ads



I know a lot of people are interested in Push ads because of the low cost. I am going to be starting a push ads campaign and sharing all the details here in the next day.

First I wanted to share a post on some things I have learned from running push ads.

The key to success is writing better push notifications that will capture people's attention and encourage them to engage with your app or product.

From personalization to humor, I'll cover a few strategies that are proven to increase click-through rates and drive conversions.

Watch what is trending: Making your notification appear like it's related to recent trends can increase your engagement.

Personalize Your Notifications: Showing location, device info, or OS can help personalize your notifications and make them seem more relevant to each individual user.

Keep it Concise: Short and sweet is the way to go when it comes to push notifications. Aim for twenty to ninety characters and consider using emojis or images to convey your message in a visually appealing way.


Make it Actionable: Encourage users to take action. For example, instead of saying "Stay protected from Viruses", try "Activate Protection and Stay Protected!".

Use Capitalization: Draw attention to important keywords by capitalizing them in your notification headlines.


Help Users Achieve Their Goals: Address specific goals that users may have. This strategy has been used successfully in diet and make money.


Add Humor (When Appropriate): If it fits with the tone of your app or product, adding a bit of humor can help keep users engaged and interested in your notifications.


Keep it Simple: Sometimes asking a simple question or making a straightforward statement can be enough to get users to respond or take action.


Additional Ideas:

Offer exclusive discounts or promotions

Create urgency by including time-sensitive information in your notifications

Use language that creates a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out)

Provide helpful tips or advice related to the user's interests or behavior within the app

Use seasonal themes or events (e.g., Black Friday, Valentine's Day) to create timely and relevant notifications


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awesome - this is indeed a traffic source I'd like to know more about so look forward to your thread! :)

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