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Health & Wellness Site - Would love a little feedback.


blossom awesome

Premium Member
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Hi there all. Excited to be part of the tribe. I've been building my health and wellness site for a while and have a lot of posts. I've just started tailoring them for affiliate marketing. I'm getting very little traffic. I'm thinking about Pinterest for running ads for one of my affiliates - they offer online therapy and would target mental wellness keywords. I have to have them click on the link from my blog post on my website. Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated. Is there a better place or other suggestions for traffic/conversions for this sort of thing? Thank you. Wishing everyone so much prosperity and abundance!


Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Hi and welcome!

Health and wellness is great, mental health is a much deeper topic that is really a sensitive issue and messaging needs to be crafted carefully so you don't break any rules.

Paid ads are a highly effective way to drive traffic and conversions in health and wellness, but be aware of the policies of each ad platform you choose.

For example:

Google Ads: Google has strict policies on healthcare and medicines, and misleading content. Make sure your ads are compliant.
Facebook Ads: Facebook also has strict policies on health, wellness, and personal attributes. Ads must not imply that a reader has a specific personal condition or health issue.
Pinterest Ads: Pinterest's guidelines prohibit advertising that capitalizes on sensitive issues, including health-related topics.
In general not matter what platform you advertise on these days wellness content needs to be positive and non-discriminatory.

Your plan to use a landing page on your blog is great.

I would also look at list building in this topic. Perhaps offer a free video or guide and collect emails and genuinely try to help these people. This will also help you build more long term traffic and loyal readers for your website.

Other traffic sources I would explore are Youtube and TikTok. Either ads or organic.

blossom awesome

Premium Member
Reaction score
Hi there Joey! Thank you so much.

I'm working with an online health therapy network and they actually approved the script for legal reasons. I appreciate all of the feedback. I'm offering stress management tips and self-care insights. It's more of a self-help, self-development space.

I'm not really pushing any medications or treatments and things. I have a green light therapy lamp I promote and use myself for insomnia, meditation gear and online therapy that has been approved.

I have a thousand answers on Quora, but not much traction there. I will look into YouTube and TikTok as well. I do have a podcast that is gaining traction.

I was starting to set up a campaign with Microsoft Ads cause the course content mentions - powerhouse loves Microsoft Ads.

I appreciate your feedback!

Thank you.


Affiliate Marketing Coach
Staff member
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Hi Blossom,

Your focus on self-help, self-development, and stress management is a great angle. These are evergreen topics that have a lot of potential for affiliate marketing. Also promoting products you use and believe in, like the green light therapy lamp, will resonate with your audience.

As for Quora, marketing here can be tricky and it's really time-consuming. If you have a budget for paid ads focus your precious time on that instead.

Your podcast gaining traction is great. This could be a great channel for driving traffic to your site. Consider guesting on other podcasts in your niche...and be consistent

Microsoft Ads is a great way to start search ads but looking at the search volume for "green light therapy" in SEMrush shows very low search volume so you might be better off focussing on Kws like insomnia, stress etc...and having a landing page that informs people of a new "breakthrough" in helping them.

Also, don't overlook the power of building an email list. Offering a valuable freebie (like an eBook, or exclusive video) in exchange for an email can help you build a loyal subscriber base. You can nurture this list over time, providing valuable content and product recommendation.s.

Keep us posted on your progress and don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions or need further guidance!

Best of luck.

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