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$500 Up for Grabs! Share Your Paid Ads Success Story & Win Big!



Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Here's your golden opportunity to inspire others with your journey and successes with paid ads. And guess what? You can easily win $500 while doing so!

Here’s How to Participate & Win:

  • Starting Date: The contest starts NOW.
  • Share Your Story: Dive into the details of your success with paid ads in a single post below. Share details and experiences in any success whether big or small. Share all the nuances of your journey with paid ads. The strategies you employed, the hurdles you faced, and the triumphs you enjoyed. Share images and data too if you can!
  • The Most Likes Wins: Rally your fellow members to like your post. Remember, the post with the most likes by the end of the contest will be our winner! So make it good!
  • Ending Date: The contest will conclude on September 30th. So, make sure your posts and likes are in before the deadline.
The spotlight is yours! Share your journey, inspire others, and stand a chance to win a fantastic $500 prize. Looking forward to reading your amazing stories.

Best of luck, and may the best story win!


Premium Member
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Great Idea Joey & Team!

It's Craig here, and I've been hanging around these forums for a while now, soaking up the knowledge and occasionally dropping my two cents. A lot of you might remember me mentioning that I work as a media buyer in an agency model, but alongside that, I'm deeply involved in affiliate marketing.

So, here's the big reveal: I pull in a solid $60K monthly from my Google ads affiliate campaigns. But here’s the twist – and it might sound outrageous to some – I need to invest a whopping $260K to secure that profit. Yep, you read that right.

Why such a big spend, you ask? Well, the nature of my campaigns and the high competition in the niches I operate means that the Cost Per Click (CPC) can get pretty high. I've optimized my campaigns, landing pages, and the user journey as much as I can, but the ROI, though consistent, requires a substantial ad spend.

There are a couple advantages to this model:

  1. Predictability: With a consistent ROI, I can reliably predict my revenue every month.
  2. Partnerships: Due to the volume I drive, I often get better deals and payouts with my affiliate partners.
What I've learned from this journey is not to get scared by large numbers. If the ROI makes sense, even a high spend can lead to consistent and predictable profits. It’s all about understanding your metrics, refining strategies, and most importantly, never stopping the testing and learning process.

Wishing all of you the best in your affiliate adventures, and always remember to look beyond the obvious numbers. There's usually more to the story!



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Wanted to share a roller coaster of an experience I had with TikTok Ads.

I started promoting a trending gadget, let’s call it the "Gizmo". :ROFLMAO:

I used a 30 second video of just the product and how it solved a simple problem, and linked it directly to the affiliate offer's presell.

My target audience was broad & USA only.

Here are the numbers:

  • Spend: $4678
  • Duration: 7 days
  • Cost per click (CPC): $1.27
  • Revenue: $6700
  • Profit: Roughly $2000
Those results blew my expectations out of the water. The ad was catchy, the "Gizmo" was on fire, and people were eating it up.

But here's where things took a turn. I got an email from TikTok informing me that my ad account was suspended due to "violating community guidelines". I still don't know for sure if the ban was because of a few user comments under the ad.

I know it's not the best "success story" but I still made $2000 or so lol.

The lesson? Even though the campaign was a success, i got banned and i think it has to do with direct linking.


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Hi. My journey started in 2011 building small niche sites for Adsense revenue and then started doing PPV (or popup ads) around 2013. Then I discovered PPC and been doing that since 2016. There was a book called "Targeted Traffic Empire" that I read back in 2014 that basically taught you how to "self-target" on PPV. I used that strategy with PPC (now called brand bidding) and now making between 20K and 30K a month with only about $5k to $6k ad spend after many banned accounts over the years on both Google and Bing. Back in 2014 I was a member of this paid forum called PPV Guru and the owner (a British guy) was teaching some straight up Jedi shit that most marketers have no clue about. So I took some of what he taught me and applied it to PPC.

However, I'm starting to transition into other traffic platforms (like adult and Native) because Google and Bing are forever tightening the noose on advertisers and are becoming more and more strict, so I have to be extremely careful (I barely touch my Google Ads account anymore) because I don't need another ban and risk my livelihood.

This game is very difficult and requires a lot of reading and studying and most marketers don't make it because they don't have the BUDGET to see campaigns through. I was in this boat as well.


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Premium Member
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Time for a fresh start, folks!
So, last year, I hopped on board the training wagon, and let me tell ya, it was the Google Master Class 30-Day Challenge that caught my eye.

I mean, I dove into it, headfirst, no hesitation. And guess what? Right out of the gate, I snagged my very first sale over at Maxweb – $80!

Now, that might not sound like a jackpot, but for someone like me, who'd never sold a thing before and thought making it as an affiliate in the global game was like climbing Mount Everest without knowing a lick of English – it was pure magic.

But here's the twist: boom! My Google Ads account – was blocked.

I tried, I really did, to get it back on track, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall. New accounts? You bet, but they were like revolving doors – in and out with the same result. So, I threw in the towel, for a bit at least.

But you know what? That spark, that belief in what's possible, it never flickered out. I kept tabs on the forum, stayed in the loop.

And then, one fine day, I thought, 'Let's do this.' Armed with some insider tips I'd picked up along the way, I jumped back in.

And guess what again? In just a few days, I raked in a cool hundred bucks in commissions.

All while barely scratching the surface of my budget – a little over 20 bucks (my budget is in Brazilian Real so here 1 Dólar is about 4.95), to be exact.


Now, I'm hitting those Google Ads training videos again, especially the ones about keywords and optimization.

And this time, my friends, I've got my game face on. I'm all in, and I'm here to tell you, I'm gonna be the real deal in this affiliate world with this community as my wingman.

Don't you dare give up – cause, you know what they say, the difference between a white belt and a black belt? The black belt never threw in the towel.


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Premium Member
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Hey guys so I wanted to give you my story/testimonial of my first $120 day campaign after working with Joey. I'm going to drop a few aha moments I had also that really helped me.


This is back when Prosper 202 was popular.

I tried a lot of different things out that didn't work.

Eventually, I met Joey on the Warrior forum and offered to help which was a miracle to get anyone one to help me.

I ran a campaign on Bing that Joey helped coach me through, I learned how much the ads mattered. I began to understand that one ad can have 3x more conversions than the other ads, which eventually helped me understand how everything worked.

Aha Moment #1:
As I was running the campaign Joey talked about spending $1,000 per day on the Bing campaign he was coaching me through. It didn't make sense to me because the ROI was very low probably around 40%.

So I started to do the math and I realized:
$1,000 + Profit 40% = $1,400 revenue - 1000 Ad Spend = $400 a day in profit.

It hit me that I was thinking too small. I was trying to chase 100% ROI's, which was a mistake. I should of scaled when I had the opportunity.

Looking aback on it I noticed that there are companies making tons of money from just 19% or less.

Smaller campaigns:
I was starting to see some success, I had a page Joey let me use with Maps Galaxy offer from MaxBounty that was actually profitable and was the first time I ever had a working campaign on my own that made $25 in profit, which felt like it was a lot more because of how much it took to get there.

My First $120 Profit day:

I helped put up offers on Vault Affiliates CPA network back when it was around:


Eventually I used a program called WhatRunsWhere.


I didn't really know what to do with it at the time. I learned how it worked and found a bunch of ads that were working (and modified them):


I purchased a pack of optimized dating landing pages on the Warrior forum $47 and thought it would be a good time to use them:

Screenshot 1:


Screenshot 2:


I decided to pair the landing pages up with WhatRunsWhere's spy tool.

The tool showed exactly which traffic source that was working (Exoclick).

I grabbed a similar offer from Vault Affiliates that paid $6 per SOI and modified the landing pages.

I ran traffic mainly from The Pirate Bay from Exoclick because it was one of the few non-adult sources available that had volume.

I noticed the wife angle (ad) was bringing in 90% of the profit. The other ads didn't seem to work as well which surprised me because I didn't expect guys to be looking for marriage. Joey coaching me through Bing ads helped me understand that I had to shut the other ads down to get this campaign profitable.

The landing page CTR was 53% after compressing the images and just making a few changes to the page. Eventually the campaign was doing $120 profit per day.

Aha Moment 2: Rotating offers
I tried offers from 2 different affiliate networks and Vault Affiliates was bringing in 2x more revenue than the other network. I began to understand that the offer is one of the most important parts of the entire campaign and needed to rotate offers more.


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Affiliate Marketing Coach
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Hey guys so I wanted to give you my story/testimonial of my first $120 day campaign after working with Joey. I'm going to drop a few aha moments I had also that really helped me.
Awesome Stuff Patrick! Man you brought back some great memories! :) I have been thinking big lately - and almost have been convinced to open the Vault Media network back to our members and really dive into some offer strategy sessions.....

Anyway I hope you find some great success and thanks for the post.


Premium Member
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Awesome Stuff Patrick! Man you brought back some great memories! :) I have been thinking big lately - and almost have been convinced to open the Vault Media network back to our members and really dive into some offer strategy sessions.....

Anyway I hope you find some great success and thanks for the post.

I was surprised to see all that stuff using the waybackmachine. Those were really fun times.

I had nostalgia going though all those pages. I even found the highest performing landing page that was working. That would be amazing to open Vault Media (Vault Affiliates) back up, even if it was just open to private trusted members on the forum.

Those landing pages back then were really good I found one I'm trying to find the rest. PM me Joey if you wanted me to send them over.

I would appreciate anyone else liking if my story provided any value! Thanks!


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Prior to discovering CPA, this narrative delves into the potential of online marketing.

In the heart of a bustling Italian restaurant, a series of events unfolded that would change its fate forever. This establishment had once thrived, boasting a remarkable 4.5-star rating on TripAdvisor. However, a month-long closure was enforced by authorities who uncovered some issues that needed urgent resolution.

After diligent efforts to rectify the problems, the restaurant was finally allowed to reopen its doors. Yet, to their dismay, they noticed a significant decline in customers and delivery orders. With two to three months of dwindling business, the restaurant's owner decided it was time for a fresh approach.

This is where my part in the story began. The restaurant had no prior experience with Google Ads, but they did have a My Business profile for their location. After setting up the necessary accounts and configurations, I laid out a strategic plan for the upcoming summer season.

The results of our efforts were nothing short of remarkable, even within just a month:
  • Total ad spend: Approximately $300
  • Campaign duration: 30 days
  • Cost per click (CPC): A mere $0.15
  • Orders generated directly from Google Ads that month: A staggering 400 placed orders via the restaurant's website
  • "Get Directions" clicks: Over 500
  • Profit: A significant increase compared to the previous month
Witnessing the transformative impact of Google Ads, the restaurant owner decided it was time to expand their digital advertising endeavors, with Facebook being the next chapter in their story.

And so, the restaurant's journey continued, with new challenges and triumphs awaiting them in the world of Facebook advertising. But for now, the tale of their resurgence through Google Ads serves as a testament to the power of strategic online marketing.
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Affiliate Marketing Coach
Staff member
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Prior to discovering CPA, this narrative delves into the potential of online marketing.

In the heart of a bustling Italian restaurant, a series of events unfolded that would change its fate forever. This establishment had once thrived, boasting a remarkable 4.5-star rating on TripAdvisor. However, a month-long closure was enforced by authorities who uncovered some issues that needed urgent resolution.

After diligent efforts to rectify the problems, the restaurant was finally allowed to reopen its doors. Yet, to their dismay, they noticed a significant decline in customers and delivery orders. With two to three months of dwindling business, the restaurant's owner decided it was time for a fresh approach.

This is where my part in the story began. The restaurant had no prior experience with Google Ads, but they did have a My Business profile for their location. After setting up the necessary accounts and configurations, I laid out a strategic plan for the upcoming summer season.

The results of our efforts were nothing short of remarkable, even within just a month:
  • Total ad spend: Approximately $300
  • Campaign duration: 30 days
  • Cost per click (CPC): A mere $0.15
  • Orders generated directly from Google Ads that month: A staggering 400 placed orders via the restaurant's website
  • "Get Directions" clicks: Over 500
  • Profit: A significant increase compared to the previous month
Witnessing the transformative impact of Google Ads, the restaurant owner decided it was time to expand their digital advertising endeavors, with Facebook being the next chapter in their story.

And so, the restaurant's journey continued, with new challenges and triumphs awaiting them in the world of Facebook advertising. But for now, the tale of their resurgence through Google Ads serves as a testament to the power of strategic online marketing.
thanks chatGPT


Premium Member
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Great Idea Joey & Team!

It's Craig here, and I've been hanging around these forums for a while now, soaking up the knowledge and occasionally dropping my two cents. A lot of you might remember me mentioning that I work as a media buyer in an agency model, but alongside that, I'm deeply involved in affiliate marketing.

So, here's the big reveal: I pull in a solid $60K monthly from my Google ads affiliate campaigns. But here’s the twist – and it might sound outrageous to some – I need to invest a whopping $260K to secure that profit. Yep, you read that right.

Why such a big spend, you ask? Well, the nature of my campaigns and the high competition in the niches I operate means that the Cost Per Click (CPC) can get pretty high. I've optimized my campaigns, landing pages, and the user journey as much as I can, but the ROI, though consistent, requires a substantial ad spend.

There are a couple advantages to this model:

  1. Predictability: With a consistent ROI, I can reliably predict my revenue every month.
  2. Partnerships: Due to the volume I drive, I often get better deals and payouts with my affiliate partners.
What I've learned from this journey is not to get scared by large numbers. If the ROI makes sense, even a high spend can lead to consistent and predictable profits. It’s all about understanding your metrics, refining strategies, and most importantly, never stopping the testing and learning process.

Wishing all of you the best in your affiliate adventures, and always remember to look beyond the obvious numbers. There's usually more to the story!

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Massive numbers here, well done and thanks for sharing. I need to up my game.

Would you mind sharing how you structure your campaigns on Google? I seem to go around in a circle with my campaigns trying to scale good keywords and testing new keywords and can never get past that point.

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