• 🚨🔴 IMPORTANT NOTICE: NEW PORTAL IS LIVE! 🔴🚨 ⚠️🔴 IMPORTANT: This forum will be deprecated soon! 🔴⚠️ Hello Members, 🚀 We’re excited to announce that our new portal is now live and ready for you to explore! 🎊 The new portal brings improved functionality, a modern design, and a better overall experience for our community. ⚠️ This forum will be deprecated soon as we transition fully to the new portal. Don’t worry, you’ll still have access to this forum temporarily, but we encourage everyone to move your comments, and new posts over to the new platform to continue connecting and engaging. 👉 Visit the new portal here and bookmark it! LOGIN HERE. If you have access issues contact us through our website form or support.

This is How Google Features Snippets of Your Article in SERPs



Google has just published a detailed guide on how Featured Snippets are understood and ranked by Google Crawlers. We all have seen such Featured Snippets for many results and there are couple of WordPress plugins for the same as well, however for better understanding, Google just shared a detailed guide. Check it out.



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