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According to This Study, Shorter Content is Getting more Backlinks



Fractl did an in-depth analysis to observe as to what kind of content is getting more backlinks because more often it is perceived that more number of words in article can get you better ranking in search engines. The study's findings are very interesting. Fractl analyzed over 5,000 articles to find the most linked-to articles are roughly 695 words in length.

The study analyzed different aspects of content length, as well as findings on:

1) Shareability of Articles
2) Linkability of Articles
3) Ever-relatable content or Trend-based content

fractl1.png - seo content report

Fractl summarizes the report saying:

When it comes to word count, this just emphasizes that it depends on the topic and why you’re creating the content; the length should correspond to the reader’s intent. Do they want a quick answer or a conceptual deep-dive?

Here are some conclusions from the study:
  • Meet the user expectations
  • Tap into emotions that resonate with your niche
  • Keep it to-the-point
  • How-to content guides are still perceived as helpful by users
My Remarks: Good that we finally have such an in-depth study (the link is in the opening paragraph in case you want to give it a read), because at times I have heard beginners making a perception that longer articles mean better SEO. Hoping this study would help.

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