Two Exciting Reasons for Starting Your Own Blog

Having your own blog is exciting. It’s a great place to put down your thoughts, connect with people from all over the world, and create your own personal online identity. However, there are thousands of blogs online. Very few of them become successful and some of them get less than 1000 customers per year.

You are a good writer and you know that your content will find interested readers. But is there a way by which you can set up a blog, get readers and convert them into customers? Of course you can and here are a few ways by which you can do it.

Why Start a Blog- Reason #1 – Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is probably the most popular method of making any blog profitable. However, there are thousands of affiliate programs online and all of them have different profit margins. Blog owners will also tell you that affiliate marketing did not work out for them. How do you find a program that will profit you and your readers?

At this point, most internet professionals will tell you a simple fact. You have to learn about affiliate marketing by joining a learning program like Affiliate Forum. Such programs can help you understand how the affiliate marketing process works. It will also help you find the right products for your niche audience and promote them successfully. For example, if you write about naturopathy, you need to find an affiliate program that deals with naturopathic products and link to that program.

Why Start a Blog- Reason #2 – Pay Per Click Advertising

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing


PPC advertising is very simple to implement and you get paid for every click that a visitor makes on ads located on your website. As a blog owner, you sign up with a provider and the provider sends contextual ads that are relevant to your website content. Most people use Google AdSense and it does work quite well but there are several others as well.

PPC works if you have a lot of visitors coming to your website. Since only a fraction of these customers will click on the ads, you do need a lot of clicks to make money from this process. You should also know that the type of ad also determines just how much you can earn. For example, if you have a mortgage website, your provider will list ads regarding mortgages and financial products. As these products are expensive, clicks on these ads will generate more income.

You love your blog and you love writing. By using these simple tweaks, you could have a successful blog, reach out to thousands of readers, convert them into customers and make their lives better. As you can see, both these methods are simple but exciting ways by which you can convert your recreational blog into a paying blog.

Of course, you may require a little training on how to make these methods feasible. There are training videos and programs that you can find online and most of them are free. So what are you waiting for? Get up and make your blog a successful and profitable pastime.

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